Mea Culpa (2024) Poster


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Lort Mama Mea
seansoulo7324 February 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Mea Culpa is another tragic attempt at filmmaking that's typical of Tyler Perry. I can't understand for the life of me why a man with all the resources at his disposal continues to make films like an amateur. I only got halfway through this BETesque project with absurd dialogue and pointless plot. From the beginning it was predictable that Tyler refuses to stray from his casting of pretty guys and attractive women. However, I wish Kelly Roland would have passed on this script and Trevante Rhodes too. His portrayals in Mike Tyson and Bruiser show his potential as a solid actor. This role did nothing for him, but add to Tyler's long list of casting hunky guys for his own eye candy I'm sure. Just look at all of his BET shows that follow the same casting formula.

Let me get this right; a highly intelligent, married and successful defense attorney falls for the accused murderer client she's representing, who acts like an overtly demanding, arrogant, womanizing pig because he paints and sleeps with anything in a skirt and could potentially give her any kinda STD. Come on Tyler! But his core audience loves that kinda soap opera nonsense.

I'm all for his success, but it would be refreshing to see Tyler get out of his own way and put some greenbacks behind developing and allowing other filmmakers an opportunity to tell their stories. Not just his own half hearted, written in a single weekend screenplays. He has a major roadblock when it comes to quality storytelling, character development, and filmmaking in general. He chooses quantity over quality, but he's said it works for his audience.

I have literally only seen seven of his movies that I thought were decent, Diary of a Mad Black Woman, Why did I get married 1 and Too, the Family that Preys and Daddy's Little Girls, Good Deeds and Jazzman's Blues. I stopped watching anything with Madea in it after his second film featuring that character. That was all I needed.

Bottom line is Netflix bought this latest TP dud, but that's not surprising either. Content is king, quality or not. Here's a thought, Tyler, let someone else write a film you direct or direct a film you write with creative license. Or just produce an awesome film directed and written by a talented filmmaker.
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cbrising24 February 2024
I pressed play for Black History Month, however, there were no characters to root for. The last part of the movie was the worst a messy rush that didn't land. It was pretty decently shot but the script needs assistance...happy to see Kelly Rowland rocking her Fabletics work out wear in the movie (product promotion) The script was clearly written using a checklist, Crime - Act 1, Act 2 -Romance/Erotica (missing the urgency of the murder case), and the worst part Act 3-Thriller (suddenly, the movie remembers it hasn't been a thriller, only giving the viewers horrendous hints at it). As someone who has anxiety, I wasn't nervous about any of the so called thrills.
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Another Pointless Piece of Crap
bmsyko23 February 2024
Well what do you know another weak script written in 2 weeks by Mr Tyler Perry. Please sir give it up already. Please hire some real writers. This peace of crap looks like it was written in 2 weeks and shot in a week. Another mediocre attempt. Don't understand why he's just happy settling for crap. This man thinks very little of his fan base. He only gives them mediocre and feels that it is good enough. My question to Mr Perry what's wrong with being great? You don't think your fans deserve better....and you wonder why your work is never rewarded. Maybe come up with.the concept and hire professional writers to execute.
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Plotholes or canyons?
ashhaynes-8803023 February 2024
Warning: Spoilers
So, let me get this right: You start the movie off introducing us to a character being accused of murder. Even going so far as to have his defense attorney describe the evidence as there being "skull fragments in his paintings and blood that dripped down into the neighbors apartment". He is ultimately convicted of the murder. Then, we find out the person who was "murdered" wasn't dead, AT ALL! When you have a character convicted of murder, and we find out the person is actually alive, you have to explain the "blood and skull fragments in his painting". Or else it becomes a PLOTHOLE!

The acting was stiff. The direction was like watching an amateur with a decent budget.

Why would you film a random motorcycle ride(which wasn't romantic, at all) for a few seconds in movie time, and not have the characters go to a destination, but to come right back to the house they just left? It was so pointless.
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Tyler Perrry Continues to dupe Black America
nikoyam25 February 2024
I am truly beginning to believe that Tyler Perry understands that his achievements and ability to employ so many black actors/actresses and workers has struck such a cord of respect from Black America, that he knows that he'll never be cut off from us and continues to shovel out this crap. I am disheartened for Miss Kelly Rowland who deserved better than this and I am saddened to have to be so negative.

This movie is full of the typical TP (Tyler Perry) tropes and overly written caricatures. He is such a poor writer and it continues to be seen in the poor quality of repugnant caricatures he creates. He doesn't know how to allow characters to be victimized without having to overly exaggerate the scenarios and people surrounding them for it to be possible.

Mea (Kelly Rowland) is supposed to be high profile lawyer who is very good at what she does, yet we get nothing to build her as such. She spends most of her screen time being a skulking, moody shell of a woman who, for a lawyer, seems to leave her brain at home every time she crosses the doorway. We get no peek at her being a great lawyer, a wife or a friend. Everything just begins happening and her reactions to the unfolding of her life are always confusing and just plain DUMB!

The cast of caricatures around her are as flat as a dollar bill. Zyair (Trevante Rhodes) is literally just in the movie to look sexy and talk slow. His character has no substance. Mea's husband (Sean Sagar) is flat and as usual, written to be so extremely uninvolved and weak that you can't like or dislike anything about him. The brother in law and Mother in law are extremely exaggerated as being insufferable (in order to make Mea look like a complete victim), but you get no reference as to why their relationship is like this or why they do what they do.

This movie was supposed to be an erotic thriller and this seems to be the area where TP really put all of his energy (go figure). The interactions between Mea and Zyair are supposed to be sexy and seductive however, no seductive or alluring nature is given from Zyair that would make any married woman want to compromise her entire marriage for. Instead both individuals come off as dumb and just looking for excuses to have unwarranted and immoral sex. And the "excuses" (because that's what they are) that are mapped out via the plot are weak and watery at best. I also don't feel Mea's character showed enough interest to suddenly shift gears so suddenly the way she did. TP tried to make her this strong, unflinching woman who wasn't going to give in, so we never really saw her interested. (This is a miss both in the writing and the acting... Sorry Kelly.)

For Background, the set design and environments are getting better than his movies of the past. But again, we are introduced to the TP prototypes: every actor/actress is stunning and in great shape. The homes they live in, cars they drive and clothes they wear are a stretch compared to their work or the financial situations they are supposed to be in and this all takes away from being able to take the movie seriously rather than seeing it as another TP stage play.

Overall, the plot is predictable and full of tropes and holes. The writing is terribly poor and underwhelming. The characters are flat and snooze worthy. The acting is sub-par at best (a step above daytime soap operas) With the exception of Ronreaco Lee who plays Jimmy the PI. Ronreaco was a save in this film. You can tell he's a seasoned actor and he brought what little light to this film there was to be had. The ending offered nothing new or intriguing and TP needs to be stopped. But hey, at least we didn't get bad wigs eh?
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Did AI write this?
aprilsfriendorin25 February 2024
I don't even know where to begin with this one. Right off the bat, the dialogue is ridiculous. Like, comically ridiculous. Within the first 15 minutes, I had to double check that this wasn't supposed to be a parody of thrillers. Like, how could someone write this and not intend it to be satirical? There's an evil mother in law that's so over the top, I'm convinced the writers just went to ChatGPT and asked it to write stereotypes. Actually, I wouldn't be surprised if this entire script was AI-generated.

The movie is worsened by unnecessary sex scenes and bad acting. Is it supposed to be an erotic thriller or a murder mystery? Pick one and do it well, don't try to do both and fail. The romantic male lead is such a bad actor, I was laughing at some of his line deliveries. Honestly the best thing about this movie was the mystery element, which was painfully predictable and trite. I gave it a two cause I guess it could be worse?
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MEA CULPA's existence and Typer Perry's Wealth and Success Are Why America's Great
wpbhomes25 February 2024
The fact that Netflix and others make his beyond parody awful movies like MEA CULPA and a filmmaker/actor as artless, hack, and all-around awful as Tyler Perry can be as incredibly rich and successful as he is is proof that America is the land of is just lying on the floor waiting to be picked up if that's what you want to do with your life. While other vastly more talented filmmakers and performers languish forever in obscurity and waiting tables, Perry lives like a feudal lord in his manor while pumping out garbage like this. MEA CULPA is like a bad parody of a paperback legal thriller you'd buy at the airport before a long flight, hoping it will bore you to sleep. Terrible shooting, the usual TP stilted melodramatic emotional tone, nonsensical plots, and wooden acting (from talented actors mind you) it's almost like he's trolling his audience (and financiers) now: look, I deliver product THIS TERRIBLE yet you continue to make me ever richer and more famous. But I give him all the credit in the world as a businessman: he's relentlessly turned his creative lemons into wealth creating lemonade, sort of like, keeping with the Atlanta spirit, Coke making billions selling sugar water. It's all in the branding and promotion, and Perry is nothing if not a brilliant self promoter. These other reviewers wondering why he doesn't use his resources to try to make something 'good' make me laugh as the miss the point so badly. His net worth is VERY good, and that's clearly the only metric he cares about. And no Mea Culpa is needed for that.
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Trash pure trash
LaroseMR24 February 2024
Warning: Spoilers
I can't believe they actually made this movie and even published it. Who even wrote this, really? Even AI could write better scripts. The main character's portrayal makes no sense. She's supposed to be a highly educated lawyer, apparently the best in the city and maybe even the country, yet she ends up sleeping with her client... make that make sense. And the client himself, who's supposedly wrongly accused of murder, acts as if he's been accused of petty theft... Completely unprofessional and idiotic movie.

This movie is a complete travesty of storytelling and lacks any semblance of logic or coherence. From the unrealistic portrayal of a successful lawyer to the absurd behavior of the accused, it's clear that the writers didn't bother with any semblance of research or authenticity. The entire premise feels like a cheap attempt to capitalize on sensationalism rather than crafting a meaningful narrative.

Moreover, the dialogue is painfully contrived, with characters spouting lines that feel more like caricatures than real people. The lack of depth in character development only exacerbates the film's myriad of flaws, leaving the audience feeling disconnected and uninvested in the outcome.

I watched the movie solely because of Kelly Rowland. She was good in the film, which is a shame. It's not her fault that the writing of the movie was pure garbage. Kelly Rowland's performance stood out amidst the mess of the script, showcasing her talent and versatility as an actress. It's disappointing to see her talents wasted on such a poorly written project.
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I liked it!
jennthecreative24 February 2024
I mean it's not groundbreaking, but does every movie have to be? It was entertaining to watch on a Friday night.

Both the leads look amazing (which comes as a surprise to no one). And I was actually surprised by the twist. Although the reveal did seem a bit rushed. I wanted to know more about the motive of the twist, more details on how "it" was done sort of thing.

My only knock on the movie is the casting of the in laws. The brothers seemed like they were of two different races from each other.

Besides that, if you're looking for something entertaining to watch and two beautiful people to marvel at, I say give this movie a shot.
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Another mediocre rich-lifestyle thriller
ianuadrip23 February 2024
This is yet another thriller with extremely stupid characters doing extremely stupid things. It is impossible for me to empathize with complete idiots who get involved in a dangerous and immoral sexual relationship with their client, without any proof of his innocence. The plot is just too forced, just not plausible. The film has no rhythm, no surprises, no emotion. The actors are soulless and have no chemistry, and the dialogues are banal, nearly comical. The ending is illogical. Did't appreciate it at all, I found a direction that was unable to involve me in the story that the screenplay wanted to tell.
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Silly and fun
Sammythesandwich28 February 2024
Warning: Spoilers
This movie was cheesy, nonsensical, and entertaining. It reminded me of the B-movie thrillers I used to love watching as a teen in the 90's. This movie cannot be taken seriously; enjoyment requires a strong sense of humor and an appreciation for the ridiculous.

So many plot holes and unanswered questions.

If Heidi wasn't killed whose bits and pieces were scattered all over his apartment? Skull fragments and quantities of blood indicative of exsanguination usually lead to a presumption of death, right?

What happened? Was the villain monologue redacted? I don't care how the movie ends, she absolutely did not prove Zyair was innocent of murder. It seems like the DA just shrugged away somebody's murder based on hearsay. Will they solve the murder in the sequel, Mea Corpus Delicti? Well, I hope Zyair pays her a gabillion dollars for that miracle

Did they leave his apartment to circle the block on his motorcycle just to return to his apartment?

Was that orgy in the basement of his apartment building? It must be a regular thing as he seemed confident that he can just pop in for a spell.

One of my favorite nonsensical parts of the movie was when the malingering mother-in-law intentionally broke Mea's phone then Mea throws her new phone away when Zyair texts her to meet up. Why? It wasn't a burner phone. Does she think it's a letter? This is is the action of a woman at the end of her rope with nothing to lose. At least she didn't try reply to his text via Excel like she did to poor Nelly.

The sex scenes were awkward. No thank you

The clothes were 10/10. She wore a beautiful velvet pantsuit to the orgy and the Talking Heads jacket at the art gallery was fun.

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Love Love this movie!!!
vrfmqqsb1 March 2024
Warning: Spoilers
This movie is so modern and up to date with how our world is today. I looove how they show in a direct way the pathalogy and people traits! Toxic family systems like these who would do all in their power, I know this too well! The pychopath mother and her son's, also here we have two different sort of narcissism and the codependent women. Additional the crime and seduce part of this movie! I totally felt it!

The movie is definitely for everyone who love crime and psychology but with sexiness! The sex scene is amazing and I usually don't like sex scenes in movies. Very good acting and enjoyed to watch it with all emotions!
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Good date night movie
blacmac1524 February 2024
First of all, it's a TP movie, nothing groundbreaking or thought provoking. I pay for Netflix but barely watch it. Friday night is our date night (30 years of marriage), interrupted by grandsons basketball game, so we just decided to Netflix & chill after watching the game. She started the movie , I heated up leftovers. This movie is highly unbelievable, but a couple of twist and decent acting made it cool. Maybe I rate it higher because I didn't have to leave the house or pay $20 for popcorn & sodas. But a good date night movie with a good bottle of Merlot goes a long way. Definitely nothing special, but very , very few movies actually are.
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Mea Crapola !
saysjenn24 February 2024
Warning: Spoilers
I like Tyler Perry comedy films however his thrillers are seriously lacking logic. Mea Culpa is a dumpster fire of a film!

Mea tried to come across as a smart, strong and professional lawyer yet she makes increasingly dumb idiotic decisions.

-Mea is "repping" a dude on trial for murdering his girlfriend and the evidence she feels is overwhelming.

-He shows what a nice guy he is by trying to make her look unprofessional by riding with him on his motorcycle in a leather skirt.

-He is sexually aggressive with his lawyer. It would make anyone question his guilt but not Mea.

  • He continues to disrespect her by getting her to follow him into a sex club that just happens to be in his apartment complex (ridiculous)

  • He confesses his love and two seconds later he is having sex with a neighbor in front of Mea to teach her a lesson.

  • He did all this after she wanted him to respect her boundaries! And her response was F off, find a new lawyer and you're disgusting. NOPE, all of his moves makes her throw caution to the wind and chuck her brain out the window.

  • The sex scene with all the paint was so dumb! Sooo cheesy!!

  • She finds the supposed dead girlfriend by mistake half way around the world but instead of catching her she flies home to her mother in law who hates her.

I'm not going to bother talking about her family dynamics other than to say it was completely ridiculous and beyond unrealistic.

This movie is awful. A good thriller with twists have to make sense and this one did not. If you like Lifetime movies for a laugh, you may like this one though.
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Soulless, bad movie!
garyvines-0129024 February 2024
This movie is dull and put on. It has the feel of a Lifetime movie but less interesting. Kelly Rowland plays a supposed tough Chicago lawyer but her character doesn't translate the grit or depth that a tough lawyer character should have. She has only one note and an expressionless face. The only expression that helps her is when she smiles which she should play more roles that would allow that. And the lead actor.... Ug! He's terrible! He can't deliver a line to save his life! He doesn't come off like an artist at all, he comes off like a professional athlete attempting to deliver a line like a cheesy commercial. I lost interest way early on. The characters are all dimensionless, vapid and predictable. The story could have been better with the right actors and director but this one is awful. I'm going to try and finish it but I'm not interested enough to do so.
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Absolutely Shameful!!
indytlc24 February 2024
I've never searched so hard to leave a review for a movie as I did for MEA CULPA.

It's not Kelly's nor the actors' fault that this movie was visually horrible and predictable. The acting was overly dramatic in some scenes.

Why did he paint Kaylee to be such a feeble, naïve woman? I don't relate to Kelly's character. She was a weak, stepped-on, gullible yet (intelligent) woman and had to be a closed-lipped breadwinner. It doesn't even seem plausible.

I couldn't even watch the ending because everything leading up to her leaving her resort annoyed me. Hopefully, the ending is better for Mea. I will never know!!!
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Worse Tyler Perry movie yet !
cherfania23 February 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Tyler Perry is getting worse worse and worse. I mean when he first came out he was making good movies now any movie his name is attach to I'm avoiding . Like who wrote this movie?? Bad coordination and another waste of time . So basically this movie is about a woman played by Kelly who is married to a family of liars . Her mother in law is lying about having cancer and set a rich painter up for killing a woman who is not really dead . For what reason ? Oh because the sister in law cheated on the brother in law ? It's so freaking pathetic to even try to explain . The movie sucked so bad . Period !
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Another over the top hate on women film
massismoira4 March 2024
Tyler Perry I have a bone to pick with you, not that you'd ever read this. Once again you created stereotyped women - either they're pure psychopathic with no other layers or they're weak and allow people to stomp all over them yet their hair is always perfect isn't it, It's like you've never actually spent time in reality. In past films the women you wrote who have premarital sex (not a crime) or have an affair (immoral but also not a crime) by giving them HIV or having them die from an overdose or accident as punishment. In this movie you have a well educated woman allow all those around her to treat her terribly and a woman like this would have already left her husband and his crazy mother (the mother you cast as only a villain, she's all bad, for no realistic reasons except the BS premise I won't spoil but it's sooo lazy). The end of the film is so over the top and drowning in "yeah right" vibes... are you even trying? So what is the point of this junk? The world sucks right now and you have all this money to make a great story or a fantastic thriller with strong characters who can both be good/bad or a mix. But you bring this to the table. It is a waste. I watched this in its entirety only so I could fairly review and my only regret is the time I lost. But if I can save one person from wasting their time on it with this review then... good.
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Ugh... I tried to watch it
ladiva-7734224 February 2024
This movie was incredibly insulting and poorly executed. It literally made me feel sick. The characters' development was lacking, with no believable progression or motivation for their actions. As a result, the storyline felt forced and underdeveloped. I had hoped for improvement in this aspect, but unfortunately, this film provided strong evidence to the contrary. Regarding TP's accomplishments, I am proud of what he has built so far, now it's time to focus on the details. This is especially true since he is a writer, producer, and director of his works. It is PAINFULLY obvious there is no one challenging his storylines to help improve his craft.
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It's a Tyler Perry movie
capscasey24 February 2024
This movie isn't as bad as some say. Yes, it starts off very slow, but the end was a true twist.

Kelly Rowland did a great job, let's give her that. Travante also did good, for what his character was worth. The mom and the brother in law were mediocre at best.

Once you make it through the movie and get to the end you will see the bigger picture. I should have seen it coming! The family didn't sit right with me from the beginning, that I will say.

Tyler Perry has been in the industry for some time now. It's weird how some people say he is still evolving. You either get him or you don't. He did some really good movies and some not so great. This movie is somewhat in between, just give it a shot.
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One of the worst
LetsReviewThat2628 February 2024
I don't know what netflix were thinking with getting the rights to this. Waste of money for them and for Tyler Perry to. This movie has no substance really and for most of it's two hour running time it's boring. Kelly Roland is a singer that's joint the acting clan and she shouldn't have. She plays mea here, a defense attorney that's hired by a guy that was accused of killing his girlfriend. As you can guess they fall for one another and yada yada yada. I think the acting was pretty bad and the script might have been written by someone that can't. Overall the made for TV thrillers are better than this movie it was sad really because it could have had potential and the sex scenes were just awkward to watch.
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I enjoyed every minute of it!
tonfie24 February 2024
The narcissistic vibes all up and through here! Hunny...punches would be flying! I know Kelly wanted to get street in some of those convos 😂 😂 😂

The paint sex scene though 👀 Mr. Perry 👀 🤔 🤔 😂 😂 😂

There's always going to be "haters" on Perry's productions! The only question I have for them...Can you do better?

Can we not just enjoy and uplift each other for once? Damn!!!!

The movie was good, I didn't miss a second! I love Kelly in anything 😁 😍 😍 😍 The outfits were fire!!!!

I enjoyed the movie and loved the familiar faces!

Great movie Tyler! Keep it coming...

I want and need more movies, of all kinds, from that cranuim of yours Mr. Perry!!!

I will be watching it AGAIN AND AGAIN!

Thank you kind Sir!
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6 for Ms Rowland
nicci197226 February 2024
Warning: Spoilers
The movie is actually a 3. I loved Mea until I didn't. The painter was written very annoying and there is no way any woman would have slept with him right after seeing another woman climb off of him. That was disgusting. The script and direction was terrible. And the "coincidence" at the end was absolutely ridiculous. All I could do was shake my head. I had a better scenario in my head of what I thought was going on. And I would have never let Mea give into his manipulation. To have Mea as intelligent and strong as she was just give in was awful and took me out of the film.

I would have kept the painter arrogant but innocent I would have Mea meet someone else to sleep with I would have made one of the painters Exs the murderer (cliche but not any worse than TP's past films) I would have kept the ending with the family paying the woman to kill her because of the affair the sister in law had but I would have had the murderer kill off the mom and brother before Mea killed her in self defense. Mea would have then left her husband and the phone call and walk off could have stayed.
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Passionfruitpie28 February 2024
Warning: Spoilers
I'm not even a movie buff and can tell that the script is bad. There were so many cringy moments and the writing is something I could've written as an amateur. I had high hopes because I love Kelly Rowland! I don't blame her at all though. She was given a bad script and did her best with what she had. Her character had no personality to her. She stayed angry and serious the ENTIRE time. They were all like that, now that I think about it. And then when Zyair said that he could tell Mea was into She showed no emotions lol Tyler Perry movies are going downhill. He was trying so hard to be Jordan Peele and failed.
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Totally not worth it.
lambileslie23 February 2024
Everything is just so wrong. Plot is a mess, storyline is pathetic, zero intrigue, acting is just so horrible.

I initially was not going to watch this based off on existing IMDB reviews. For some reason decided to give it a shot and couldn't be so disappointed. You initially get tempted because there's a few characters who you think might be interesting, but then the story doesn't really take you any where. This is probably one of the worse movies I ahve seen in a fee years.

This is time I am never getting back. Why does Netflix agree to release such horrible content all the time.

Tyler Perry can definitely do better than this.
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